Admissions Process 

To Access to the first year of the Faculty of Medical Sciences, candidates pass an Admission Test if they hold a Moroccan or international baccalaureate.

Alternatively, candidates may enter via a parallel admission procedure, which includes a review of their application and an admission test, following the Ministry’s requirements for parallel admission.

Eligible candidates include those who:

– Have completed two years of higher education (Bac +2), such as a CPGE with the CNC, a BTS, or a DUT.
– Are currently enrolled in a school or university and have completed all required semesters.
– Hold a bachelor’s degree or an equivalent Bac+3 qualification.

For more detailed information on the application process for the admission process, please contact:

Phone: +212 (0) 5 25 07 30 51 // 212 (0) 6 65 69 33 26